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Granlund to strengthen growth plans, partnering with ICG as a new investor

Granlund to strengthen growth plans, partnering with ICG as a new investor

19.6.2024 – Granlund Group has today announced a new partnership with global alternative asset manager, ICG. Under the terms of the partnership, ICG will join as a new investor, to provide flexible capital to help accelerate Granlund’s international growth and expansion.

Granlund Group

“Granlund’s strategic goal is strong internationalisation in Scandinavia and Europe. ICG is a partner able to support us on this journey, boasting extensive international networks and strong expertise in driving growth. The partnership model means we can retain our ownership base, with around 260 employees owning the significant majority of Granlund in shares. A solid Finnish ownership base is part of Granlund’s history, and it is important for us to maintain this in the future. We firmly believe that ICG joining us in this strategic partnership is the right solution to enable international growth”, says Pekka Metsi, CEO of Granlund.

“We have been following the exciting journey of Granlund for a number of years, and have been impressed by the great work of the management and employees. We are very happy to be joining forces with Metsi and his team as they embark on the next stage of their ambitious expansion plans, and we look forward to bringing our experience and the ICG platform to assist them with this”, comments Robin Molvin, Managing Director and Head of Nordics, ICG European Mid-Market.

A Finnish market leader in MEP design, Granlund aims to keep MEP design at the core of its business. This is further reinforced by structural and architectural design as well as construction management. The operations will retain a strong focus on energy efficiency, sustainability, property management and software, as well as the use of digitalisation to improve productivity in the industry.  Following the new investment, the company plans to expand in Scandinavia, and is also exploring opportunities in the rest of Europe, as it seeks to meet ambitious goals to expand sales and the number of employees.

About ICG

ICG provides flexible capital solutions to help companies develop and grow. They are the leading global alternative asset manager with a 35-year history, managing $98.4bn of assets* and investing across the capital structure. ICG operates across four asset classes: Structured and Private Equity, Private Debt, Real Assets, and Credit.

ICG develops long-term relationships with business partners to deliver value for shareholders, clients and employees, and uses their position of influence to benefit the environment and society. ICG is committed to being a net zero asset manager across their operations and relevant investments by 2040.

ICG is a member of the FTSE 100 and listed on the London Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: ICG). Further details are available at You can follow ICG on LinkedInX (Twitter) and Instagram.

Further information

Pekka Metsi

Granlund Oy

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