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Energy efficiency and renewable energy

Energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions enable us to significantly impact our carbon footprint and the economy. Let’s solve the green transition together!

The energy transition is here

For the real estate and construction sector, the energy transition means, above all, new energy technologies and the closer integration of properties into energy networks.

For property owners, the energy transition opens up a new playing field worth utilising. The hot topics of the day include low-emission energy solutions, changes in the energy market and fluctuating energy prices.

Clean energy production and energy efficiency play a crucial role in combating climate change.

It is of the utmost importance to get rid of fossil fuels quickly and build the future energy system on renewable energy sources.


Energy services for different baseline situations and objectives

In cooperation with our customers, we will discover the opportunities that energy transition can offer for each property. As the leading experts of energy transition, we are constantly looking for solutions to promote the green transition.

Read our news on energy

Five Key Insights into the Future Superblock – Achieving Carbon Neutral Urban Planning 

11.06.2024 – Local area energy plans support carbon neutral urban planning. The superblock of the future is built on these principles.

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EU taxonomy for sustainable activities should not be ignored

31.01.2023 – The EU classification system for sustainable funding, also known as EU taxonomy, impacts construction projects. The planning stages of a…

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Transaction with ECO Konsult in Sweden

Granlund to expand in Sweden – transaction with ECO Konsult i Stockholm AB

18.01.2022 – The aim of the transaction is to strengthen Granlund’s company network in the building services sector in Sweden.


Smart matters! 4 essential questions to make sure your building is smart

07.12.2021 – As part of the Finnish team in the Dubai 2020 Expo, we at Granlund are excited to talk about our…

Blog post

Granlund’s and Wapice’s joint solution among the finalists of the Helsinki Energy Challenge

16.03.2021 – Granlund and Wapice reached the finals of the Helsinki Energy Challenge with their Flexible Future solution.


Energy recycling system finds international success

23.11.2020 – Solution designed for K Group awarded by the European Heat Pump Association


We have a carbon handprint of a giant

More than half of the carbon footprint generated during a property’s lifecycle is caused by energy use.

We have hundreds of experts to help reduce the carbon footprint of your property, whether it is in the design stage or already in the maintenance stage.

Our energy experts help define the most reasonable and economically viable measures for each property.

Carbon neutrality requires new energy solutions

All aims to be carbon-neutral requires significant energy investments in the real estate and construction sector.

Investing in new energy solutions and making decentralised energy solutions is reasonable and forward-looking energy design.

Renewable energy is the energy of the future

Renewable energy can make a significant contribution to the need for purchased energy in buildings and the reduction of the carbon footprint. The most profitable option is if renewable energy can be produced, stored and utilised locally.

Harnessing buildings to produce at least part of the energy they need themselves has allowed significant reductions in the need for fossil fuel-based energy production. In particular, the heat pump technology and the solar energy have produced good results.

The expertise of our designers covers the most up-to-date technology in all forms of renewable energy.

Pioneers in advanced energy solutions

Our strength is the assessment of different energy solutions and their effectiveness in both individual properties and entire property portfolios. Our experts boast the most comprehensive expertise in energy calculations, new energy solutions and extensive hybrid energy systems.

When it comes to energy design, we always think about your needs first. Together, we will come up with the most effective solutions to support your business and achieve your sustainability goals. We strive for a model of continuous improvement so that we can take energy issues into account increasingly diversely and comprehensively.

Honoured energy expertise

Together with K Group, we developed an energy recycling system for K grocery stores that reduces heat consumption by up to 95% and makes the building almost carbon neutral in terms of energy. In 2020 the system won an award in the annual contest of the European Heat Pump Association for the most efficient, smart and sustainable heat pump solutions of the year.

In addition, the process heat recovery solution we designed for Mölnlycke Health Care’s plant in Mikkeli, Finland received the Energy Genius of the Year 2023 award. The energy savings are equivalent to the annual consumption of around 240 family homes and the district heating requirement is around 60% lower than before.

Energy efficiency projects are highly lucrative

Energy efficiency projects can lead to significant reductions in emissions and costs. Properly designed and implemented energy efficiency projects are highly profitable investments, offering positive returns as early as their first year. The return from a well-planned energy efficiency project is almost always in the double digits.

Energy efficiency projects should be foreseen and planned smartly as part of other renovation and construction projects. When the right investments are made in the right place and at the right time, the maintenance backlog can be kept under control.

The return from a well-planned energy efficiency project is almost always in the double digits.


AI Energy Survey – introducing artificial intelligence to energy work!

AI Energy Survey calculates and simulates the way to achieve the highest energy savings and the extent to which CO2 emissions can be reduced based on the data in the energy certificate.

With AI Energy Survey, you can quickly determine the energy efficiency potential of an individual property or an entire property portfolio.

A variety of implementation models for energy efficiency projects

We implement energy efficiency projects using diverse implementation models, from the traditional consultant-driven model to turnkey service delivery. In Granlund’s project management model, we take greater responsibility for the construction project and enable a simple way to increase the energy efficiency of your property to a new level.


Market survey: real estate investors lead the way in the environmental sustainability of construction projects

According to a market survey on environmental sustainability carried out by Granlund, clear environmental targets are rarely set for construction projects. There is also room for improvement in the way their implementation is monitored.

Energy efficiency for new buildings

In new construction, energy-related matters can be promoted in a cost-neutral way. More energy efficient solutions do not necessarily increase construction costs when projects are planned smartly and the focus is on the right system choices from the outset.

There are also vast differences in the energy efficiency potential of buildings. For example, data centres require huge amounts of energy but they have great potential for the secondary use of energy. At best, properties can function as carbon sinks if investments are made in their energy solutions in an unprejudiced and smart way. We help identify and implement demanding energy solutions for varying sites.

More energy efficient solutions do not necessarily increase construction costs when projects are planned smartly and the focus is on the right system choices from the outset.

Experts in district energy solutions bring the energy and real estate sectors together

Our consulting services help the real estate and energy sectors to jointly find the most cost-efficient ways to reduce the carbon footprint. We know the area-specific needs and the best solutions.

Obvious cost savings and smaller carbon footprint with energy management

Energy management services help reduce the carbon footprint and the energy bill. Improving energy efficiency will be clearly reflected in the carbon emissions and value of your properties.

Our energy management services help monitor energy consumption and analyse the data obtained from it. We help develop energy efficiency in a coordinated, systematic and transparent way. Our experts help improve the economy, value, environmental responsibility and condition of your properties.

Hallittua energiajohtamista Granlund Managerilla

Granlund Manager -ohjelmiston energiahallinnan ja ympäristövaikutusten seurannan työkalujen avulla teet energiajohtamisesta helpompaa. Granlund Manageriin voidaan liittää kaikki kiinteistösi energiankulutuskohteet. Ohjelmiston edistyksellisten raportointiominaisuuksien ansiosta energiadataa on helppo seurata, ja poikkeamiin voi puuttua oikea-aikaisesti.

Read our customer stories


Vaasa Central Hospital’s H building is energy-efficient and smart


HVAC design, Electrical design


Hospitals and healthcare

The MEP design of the H building of Vaasa (Finland) Central Hospital emphasises safety, smart and easy-to-use functions, energy efficiency,…
Keski-Suomen Sairaala Nova

Hospital Nova is an energy-efficient, safe, modern central hospital


Energy consulting, Electrical design, HVAC design, Fire safety engineering, Cleanroom design, Building automation design,


Hospitals and healthcare

Central hospital Nova of Central Finland uses an energy recycling system and innovative solutions to ensure patient and staff safety…

Scandic Grand Central Helsinki ställde höga krav på installationstekniken


VVS-projektering, Styr- och reglerprojektering, Energirådgivning och -projektering


Hotell och restaurang

Granlunds erfarna VVS-projektörer fick en intressant utmaning när ett välkänt landmärke vid Helsingfors järnvägsstation renoverades till ett hotell i världsklass.…

Finlands största energiåtervinningssystem projekterat för Jumbo


Energirådgivning och -projektering


Kommersiella anläggningar och detaljhandel

Energieffektivitetsinvesteringen på köpcentret JumboShopping minskar varje år energiinköpen till ett värde motsvarande användningen av cirka 300 småhus.

Byggnadstekniska tjänster åt Helsingforsregionens sjukvårdsdistrikt


VVS-projektering, Elprojektering, Styr- och reglerprojektering, Granlund Manager


Sjukhus och vård

Vi har tillhandahållit vår expertis inom byggnadstekniska tjänster, sjukhusprojektering och energianvändning åt ett antal anläggningar tillhörande Helsingforsregionens sjukvårdsdistrikt, inklusive Mejlans…

Byggnadstekniska tjänster och energikonsultation åt Helsingfors-Vanda flygplats


VVS-projektering, Styr- och reglerprojektering, Elprojektering, Brandsäkerhetsprojektering, Granlund Manager



Samarbetet mellan Helsingfors-Vanda flygplats (Finavia) och Granlund har pågått i många år med bland annat renoveringsprojekt på flygplatsområdet, byggnadstekniska tjänster…

Telias datacenter i Helsingfors – drömmen för en ingenjör


VVS-projektering, Elprojektering, Styr- och reglerprojektering, Tele- och säkerhetsprojektering



Telia Helsinki Data Center är Nordens största co-location datacenter.. Granlund utförde detaljprojekteringen och driftsättningen av det nya datacentret.

Miljövänlig kylning av en superdator





Granlund har projekterat datacentret för den europeiska superdator som ska placeras i Kajana. Datacenterverksamheten är koldioxidneutral – miljöbelastningen kan till…

The building services of the HUS Bridge Hospital enable flexible activities


Building automation design, Tele and security design, Fire safety engineering, Energy planning, Energy consulting, Medical equipment design, Electrical design


Hospitals and healthcare

The design cornerstones of the new HUS hospital building were its simple and effective structure, adaptability and energy efficiency.

The largest energy recycling system in Finland designed for Jumbo


Energy efficiency projects


Commercial premises and retail

The energy efficiency investment of JumboShopping Centre saves an amount of purchased energy equivalent to the consumption of approximately 300…

Want to hear more? Contact our energy experts

Teemu Salonen

Department Director, Sustainable construction
Granlund Oy

Asta Autelo

Director, Energy and Sustanaibility Management
Granlund Oy

Teemu Hausen

Business Director, Digital Real Estate Services
Granlund Oy

Ville Reinikainen

Business Development Director
Granlund Oy

Oskari Fagerström

Group Manager
Granlund Oy

Tuomo Niemelä

Department Director, Energy
Granlund Oy

Timo-Mikael Sivula

Project Development Manager
Granlund Oy

Our other strengths

Data and digitalisation

At Granlund, we believe that data and digital tools serve all real estate and construction sector parties from investors and developers to property users and maintenance staff.


Sustainability is a key part of Granlund’s operations. We can also help you to be one of the good guys: sustainability is incorporated into all of our services.


New business models, refined collaboration, modern IT solutions and strong lifecycle management models are needed to improve productivity in the construction sector.

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