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Multimedia installation at Helsinki Airport offers an interactive nature experience

Multimedia installation at Helsinki Airport offers an interactive nature experience

8.2.2019 – Helsinki Airport’s new long-haul central square Aukio offers a unique nature experience for passengers. They can enjoy the beautiful Finnish nature even without leaving the airport.

User experience

Airports don’t tend to be havens of peace but rather stressful places. However, at Helsinki Airport the passenger might experience something totally different. Aukio, the new central square of the long-haul expansion area, opened at the beginning of February. The square is surrounded by a 77-metre long, 2-metre tall multi-screen installation, which offers an interactive experience of Finnish nature for passengers. Granlund was responsible for the technical design. The content production was made in collaboration with OiOi Collective and Granlund.

“The main purpose was to create a calming experience at the hectic airport and at the same time show Finland’s beautiful nature for the transit passengers,” says Timo Muurinen, the technical designer and project manager from Granlund.

The multimedia installation consists of a 360-degree LED screen, a video projection system, a multichannel audio system, and a lighting system that all work in sync. International passengers can enjoy 16 different Finnish landscapes–­–filmed during all the four seasons––that rotate on the screen. Every landscape has its own soundscape and dynamic lighting that support the atmosphere. The Aukio square also has an interactive wooden wall to which anyone can paint projections.  

Photo by Finavia, Pasi Salminen.

“If for example a video of Northern lights is playing on the LED screen, passengers can create animated projections of the Northern lights themselves,” describes Muurinen.

The whole audiovisual solution of Aukio is totally unique; anywhere else in the world can you find a concept like this. The focus was on the content, which Muurinen says should always be the starting point for all AV design. “Even though the equipment must be of high quality, the content always plays the main part. In Aukio’s multi-channel installation content has the leading role.”

The opening of Aukio is part of Finavia’s ongoing Development Programme at Helsinki Airport.

“It has been great to create technically advanced and impressive brand of Finland together with Finnish companies. The combination of special technologies is unique on a global scale and offers passengers an experience that is a feast for all the senses. The 360 experience supports our customer experience goals, providing passengers with a refreshing moment of rest and relaxation before their next flight”, says Finavia’s Technical Director Henri Hansson.

Photos by Finavia, photographer Pasi Salminen

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