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Finnish expertise supports Romania in renewing its hospitals

Finnish expertise supports Romania in renewing its hospitals

21.8.2023 – Integrated Hospital Design Alliance (IHDA), the alliance that brings together Finnish experts in hospital design and construction, is involved in a new construction project for a Romanian hospital. Resita County Emergency Hospital in western Romania provides specialised healthcare services for the area’s 250,000 residents.

New construction

IHDA ‘s role is to assist and assess the work of the local designers while also supporting and acting as a consultant for the client. The Romanian hospital network was largely constructed during the Soviet era. These hospitals have now reached the end of their life cycle as both technology and patient treatment have developed.

Romania has taken up the challenge, and the country is rapidly developing its healthcare infrastructure. The needs of patients and healthcare professionals are at the heart of the new hospitals’ design. The new hospitals utilise the latest hospital and property technologies.

“We want to apply our experience and expertise to help Romania in its mission to develop healthcare infrastructure. We provide full-service expertise in hospital design including functional design, architectural design, structural design and project management,” says Henry Pesonen, Director at Nordic Healthcare Group.

We provide full-service expertise in hospital design including functional design, architectural design, structural design and project management.

Henry Pesonen, Director at Nordic Healthcare Group

Updated expertise for local designers and hospital developers

In the project, IHDA supports both the client and local designers. Romanian hospital design expertise requires modernization, as the newest hospitals in the country were built during the 1970s.

“We are helping the local actors in hospital design and construction to update their know-how. We provide support during planning, we assess and comment on plans and act as consultants if needed,” states Jukka Vasara, Vice President of Granlund.

Currently, the architects of the local design team are outlining the hospital’s overall design and the placement of its functions. The aim of the project is to create a technically and functionally high-quality hospital that meets all the modern requirements.

“We assist the client during decision-making and increase their understanding of the newest technical and functional solutions for constructing hospitals that can meet patients’ needs and support healthcare professionals in their work”.

We are helping the local actors in hospital design and construction to update their know-how.

Jukka Vasara, Vice President of Granlund

Romanian hospital sector offers invaluable experience

For the IHDA network, the most important asset of the project is the opportunity to utilise Nordic expertise in improving Romanian hospitals and healthcare. This is also a great learning experience for the network to gain invaluable experience on hospital design and construction projects in Romania.

The Resita County Emergency Hospital new building project in numbers:

  • Located in the city of Resita in western Romania with a population of 75,000 people
  • The hospital is responsible for the treatment needs of the area’s 250,000 residents
  • The scale of the hospital project is 40,000 square metres, and the new building includes 10 operational theatres, among other functions
  • The project’s budget is EUR 150 million
  • The new hospital almost completely replaces the three old hospital buildings, of which the oldest was built in the 1930s
  • The new hospital is planned to become operational in the coming years

What is IHDA?

Integrated Hospital Design Alliance IHDA is a network that is comprised of leading companies in Finnish hospital design and project management: Granlund, AINS Group, Nordic Healthcare Group, AW2 Architects, Vison and K2S Architects.

The Alliance brings together companies whose combined expertise supports the comprehensive planning and construction management of intelligent, customer-oriented and functionally efficient hospitals from the moment the project is kicked-off to the commissioning and maintenance of the completed premises.

The network’s joint export project has increased the visibility of the technical and functional expertise that was refined during the Finnish hospital reform, and that is now used to support Eastern Europe in renewing its hospital construction and healthcare.

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