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Veikko Martiskainen to develop Granlund’s international business

Veikko Martiskainen to develop Granlund’s international business

10.1.2024 – Granlund’s International Business Development Director will work with customers and partners in construction and property development.


Veikko Martiskainen started in the role of International Business Development Director at the beginning of 2024. As a Granlund veteran, he is familiar with working in similar roles to promote international business and has previously helped Granlund’s global customers with Granlund Manager software and services.

Martiskainen will help Granlund’s international growth by developing new relationships with customers and strengthening partner networks for international property development projects. This includes Granlund’s design and consulting services for a variety of built environment investments, such as rapidly growing green transformation, industrial and data centers projects.

The best place in the world for data centers is in the Nordics.

Veikko Martiskainen, International Business Development Director, Granlund

Perfect for data centers

“The best place in the world for data centers is in the Nordics,” says Martiskainen. “Granlund’s skills, resources and experience in data center design and consulting is a great asset for our clients. Our data center team has long experience in the business.”

“We established a team to concentrate on data center design and consulting 15 years ago, as we saw that this sector will grow strongly in the future. We started with five experts and now we are a team of 80 experts working in Finland and Sweden,” comments Jari Innanen, the Director of the Data Center business at Granlund.

Existing reliable infrastructure, encouraging regulations and inexpensive carbon neutral electricity together with superior natural conditions has enticed many multinational tech companies to put their data centers in Northern Europe. Another major advantage is the local expertise.

“Our data center experts can take care of the whole project, which is important for a global industry struggling with resources,” Martiskainen explains. “Our team can find a location, provide architects and engineering, project management and commissioning services, as well as assist with sustainability and energy efficiency.”

In my new role I will continue to build Granlund’s reputation as a competent, reliable partner that clients see as an enabler for their goals.

Veikko Martiskainen, International Business Development Director, Granlund

Trustworthy and reliable partner

“I’m excited about Granlund’s future and these new challenges,” Martiskainen concludes. “In my new role I will continue to build Granlund’s reputation as a competent, reliable partner that clients see as an enabler for their goals.”

Want to hear more?

Veikko Martiskainen

International Business Development Director
Granlund Oy

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